Calm Your Fears & Give Yourself Defense Options

When you're faced with criminal charges or an arrest, it's only natural to feel scared and alone. If you've recently been charged with a crime in Washington, calm your fears and give yourself defense options by turning to Murphy's Law Offices, a criminal lawyer in King, Pierce, & Thurston Counties. Murphy's Law Offices can handle the following criminal law cases:
We represent injured individuals. If you were injured – we fight to get all the compensation you deserve! We are prepared to fight for you to obtain the largest settlement you deserve or take your case to trial. Murphy's Law Offices can handle the following Personal Injury cases:
You're Not Alone
Whether you're facing a criminal charge at the state level or have been arrested for a federal crime in Washington, Murphy's Law Offices is prepared to fight for you and litigate your case to the end. During your legal proceedings, Murphy's Law Offices will serve as your advocate and offer you ongoing support. Murphy's Law Offices will fight for you to receive a fair trial, challenge any evidence that is illegally obtained, and make certain that your defense is presented as strongly as possible. Additionally, Murphy's Law Offices will: